Tag Archive for: credentialing

Item banking refers to the purposeful creation of a database of assessment items to serve as a central repository of all test content, improving efficiency and quality. The term item refers to what many call questions; though their content need not be restricted as such and can include problems to solve or situations to evaluate in addition to straightforward questions. As a critical foundation to the test development cycle, item banking is the foundation for the development of valid, reliable content and defensible test forms.

Automated item banking systems, such as Assess.ai or FastTest, result in significantly reduced administrative time for developing/reviewing items and assembling/publishing tests, while producing exams that have greater reliability and validity.  Contact us to request a free account.


What is Item Banking?

While there are no absolute standards in creating and managing item banks, best practice guidelines are emerging. Here are the essentials your should be looking for:

   Items are reusable objects; when selecting an item banking platform it is important to ensure that items can be used more than once; ideally, item performance should be tracked not only within a test form but across test forms as well.

   Item history and usage are tracked; the usage of a given item, whether it is actively on a test form or dormant waiting to be assigned, should be easily accessible for test developers to assess, as the over-exposure of items can reduce the validity of a test form. As you deliver your items, their content is exposed to examinees. Upon exposure to many examinees, items can then be flagged for retirement or revision to reduce cheating or teaching to the test.

   Items can be sorted; as test developers select items for a test form, it is imperative that they can sort items based on their content area or other categorization methods, so as to select a sample of items that is representative of the full breadth of constructs we intend to measure.

   Item versions are tracked; as items appear on test forms, their content may be revised for clarity. Any such changes should be tracked and versions of the same item should have some link between them so that we can easily review the performance of earlier versions in conjunction with current versions.

   Review process workflow is tracked; as items are revised and versioned, it is imperative that the changes in content and the users who made these changes are tracked. In post-test assessment, there may be a need for further clarification, and the ability to pinpoint who took part in reviewing an item and expedite that process.

   Metadata is recorded; any relevant information about an item should be recorded and stored with the item. The most common applications for metadata that we see are author, source, description, content area, depth of knowledge, IRT parameters, and CTT statistics, but there are likely many data points specific to your organization that is worth storing.

Managing an Item Bank

Names are important. As you create or import your item banks it is important to identify each item with a unique, but recognizable name. Naming conventions should reflect your bank’s structure and should include numbers with leading zeros to support true numerical sorting.  You might want to also add additional pieces of information.  If importing, the system should be smart enough to recognize duplicates.

Search and filter. The system should also have a reliable sorting mechanism. 

automated item generation cpr

Prepare for the Future: Store Extensive Metadata

Metadata is valuable. As you create items, take the time to record simple metadata like author and source. Having this information can prove very useful once the original item writer has moved to another department, or left the organization. Later in your test development life cycle, as you deliver items, you have the ability to aggregate and record item statistics. Values like discrimination and difficulty are fundamental to creating better tests, driving reliability, and validity.

Statistics are used in the assembly of test forms while classical statistics can be used to estimate mean, standard deviation, reliability, standard error, and pass rate. 

Item banking statistics

Item response theory parameters can come in handy when calculating test information and standard error functions. Data from both psychometric theories can be used to pre-equate multiple forms.

In the event that your organization decides to publish an adaptive test, utilizing CAT delivery, item parameters for each item will be essential. This is because they are used for intelligent selection of items and scoring examinees. Additionally, in the event that the integrity of your test or scoring mechanism is ever challenged, documentation of validity is essential to defensibility and the storage of metadata is one such vital piece of documentation.

Increase Content Quality: Track Workflow

Utilize a review workflow to increase quality. Using a standardized review process will ensure that all items are vetted in a similar matter. Have a step in the process for grammar, spelling, and syntax review, as well as content review by a subject matter expert. As an item progresses through the workflow, its development should be tracked, as workflow results also serve as validity documentation.

Accept comments and suggestions from a variety of sources. It is not uncommon for each item reviewer to view an item through their distinctive lens. Having a diverse group of item reviewers stands to benefit your test-takers, as they are likely to be diverse as well!

item review kanban

Keep Your Items Organized: Categorize Them

Identify items by content area. Creating a content hierarchy can also help you to organize your item bank and ensure that your test covers the relevant topics. Most often, we see content areas defined first by an analysis of the construct(s) being tested. In the event of a high school science test, this may include the evaluation of the content taught in class. A high-stakes certification exam, almost always includes a job-task analysis. Both methods produce what is called a test blueprint, indicating how important various content areas are to the demonstration of knowledge in the areas being assessed.

Once content areas are defined, we can assign items to levels or categories based on their content. As you are developing your test, and invariably referring back to your test blueprint, you can use this categorization to determine which items from each content area to select.

Why Item Banking?

There is no doubt that item banking is a key aspect of developing and maintaining quality assessments. Utilizing best practices, and caring for your items throughout the test development life cycle, will pay great dividends as it increases the reliability, validity, and defensibility of your assessment. Moreover, good item banking will make the job easier and more efficient thus reducing the cost of item development and test publishing.

Ready to improve assessment quality through item banking?

Visit our Contact Us page, where you can request a demonstration or a free account (up to 500 items).

The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) is a group that accredits certification programs.  Basically, many of the professional associations that had certifications (e.g., Certified Professional Widgetmaker) banded together to form a super-association, which then established an accreditation arm to ensure that certifications were of high quality – as there are many professional certifications in the world of near-zero quality.  So this is a good thing.  Becoming accredited is a rigorous process, and the story doesn’t stop there.  Once you are accredited, you need to submit annual reports to NCCA as well as occasionally re-apply.  This is mentioned in NCCA Standard 24, and is also described in the NCCA webpage regarding annual renewals of accreditation. It requires information on certification and recertification volumes.

The certification program must demonstrate continued compliance to maintain accreditation.

Essential Elements:

  1. The certification program must annually complete and submit information requested of the certification agency and its programs for the previous reporting year.

There are a number of reports that are required, one of which is a summary of Certification/Recertification numbers.  These are currently submitted through an online system.

In the past, you had to pay consultants or staff to manually compile this information.  Our certification management system does it automatically for you – for free.

Overview of the Cert/Recert Report

Our easily generated Certification/Recertification report provides a simple, clean overview of your certification program. The report includes important information required for maintaining accreditation, including the number of applicants, new certifications, and recertifications, as well as percentages signifying the success rate of new candidates and recertification candidates. The report is automatically produced within FastTest’s reporting module, saving your organization thousands of dollars in consultant fees.

Here is a sample report. Assume that this organization has one base level certification, Generalist, with 3 additional specialist areas where certification can also be earned.

Annual Certification/Recertification Report

Date run: 11/10/2016
Timeframe: 1/1/2012 – 12/31/2015

Program Applicants for first time certification First time certified Due for recertification Recertified Percent due that recertified
Generalist 4,562 2,899 653 287 44%
Specialist A 253 122 72 29 40%
Specialist B 114 67 24 7 36%
Specialist C 44 13 2 0 0%

Let’s examine the data for the Generalist program. Follow the table across the first data line:

Generalist is the name of the program with the data being analyzed. The following data all refers to candidates who were involved in the certification process at the Generalist level within our organization.

4,562 is the number of candidates who registered to be certified for the program within the timeframe indicated above the table. These candidates have never been certified in this program before.

2,899 is the number of candidates who successfully completed the certification process by receiving a passing score and meeting any other minimum requirements set forth by the certification program.

653 is the number of previously certified candidates whose certification expired within the timeframe indicated above the table.

287 is the number of previously certified candidates who successfully completed the recertification process.

44% is the percentage of candidates eligible for recertification within the indicated timeframe who successfully completed the recertification process. Another way to express this value would be 287/653; the number of who successfully completed recertification divided by the number of those due for recertification within the given timeframe.

The same format follows for each of the Specialist programs.

If you found this post interesting, you might also be interested in checking out this post on the NCCA Annual Statistics Report.  That report is another one of the requirements, but focuses on statistical and psychometric characteristics of your exams.

Certification, Certificate, Accreditation: These three terms might seem similar, but mean very different things.   Here is a brief overview.  We also recommend you check out the Institute for Credentialing Excellence.

Any of the terms here are often referred to as a credential, as an umbrella term.  A credential refers to any type of supporting document/attestation that you have done something or know something, and includes other terms like License or Degree.



Professional or personnel certification is a voluntary process by which individuals are evaluated against predetermined standards for knowledge, skills, or competencies. Participants who demonstrate that they meet the standards by successfully passing an assessment process are granted the certification.  Note that this 1) refers to an individual (not a program or organization) and 2) refers only to showing that they have competencies (not simply attending or completing a course).
Certifications are usually put out by independent organizations, not a government or other entity (that is licensure).  Usually it is a nonprofit association or board, which can be for a specific country (American Board of _______) or worldwide (International Association of ________).


An assessment-based certificate program is a non-degree granting program that:
(a) provides instruction and training to aid participants in acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and/or competencies associated with intended learning outcomes;
(b) evaluates participants’ achievement of the intended learning outcomes; and
(c) awards a certificate only to those participants who meet the performance, proficiency or passing standard for the assessment(s).

Certification / Certificate are the most similar of all the credentialing terms.


Accreditation says that your Certification or Certificate program meets best practices.  This is NOT for an individual; it refers to an organization or a program.  For example, if a university accredited?  Is a certification program accredited?

One of the most common situations is the latter, of a certification program getting accredited.  There are strict guidelines to do so, and NCCA Accreditation is one example.  However, only the minority of these guidelines refer to aspects of your test, such as cutscores and reliability. The rest pertain to aspects such as board governance, eligibility pathways, security policies, handbooks, and corporate finance. We can help you navigate these waters, in addition to the technical test-related aspects; contact us for more information.

Additional terms beyond Certification / Certificate / Accreditation

License: Like a certification, but it is required by law.  It is usually defined by competencies (a driver’s license means have shown you know how to drive) but not always (a marriage license does not mean you know how to be a good spouse!).

Microcredential: Like a certificate, but even narrower.

Degree / Diploma: Means that you have completed some sort of education.  This can range all the way from a 4-hour online course to 4 years of prestigious medical school!