Entries by Nathan Thompson, PhD


Where does the “Opt Out of testing” movement come from? You’d be surprised.

The “opt out” movement is a supposedly-grass-roots movement against K-12 standardized testing, primarily focusing action on encouraging parents to refuse to allow their kids to take tests, i.e., opt out of testing.  The absolutely bizarre part of this is that large scale test scores are rarely used for individual impact on the student, and that […]

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Assessment Systems Speaks at 2017 ATP Conference

Every Spring, the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) hosts its annual conference, Innovations in Testing.  This is the leading conference in the testing industry, with nearly 1000 people from major testing vendors and a wide range of test sponsors, from school districts to certification boards to employment testing companies.  While the technical depth is much lower […]


“Dichotomous” Vs “Polytomous” in IRT?

Item response theory (IRT) is the dominant psychometric paradigm for constructing, scoring and analyzing assessments.  Virtually all large-scale assessments utilize IRT because of its well-documented advantages.  In many cases, however, it is referred to as a single way of analyzing data.  But, IRT is actually a family of fast-growing models. I often hear the question: […]


Classical Test Theory: Item Statistics

Classical Test Theory (CTT) is a psychometric approach to analyzing, improving, scoring, and validating assessments.  It is based on relatively simple concepts, such as averages, proportions, and correlations.  One of the most frequently used aspects is item statistics, which provide insight into how an individual test question is performing.  Is it too easy, too hard, too […]

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10 Ways To Improve Assessment With Psychometrics

Education, to me, is the neverending opportunities we have for a cycle of instruction and assessment.    This can be extremely small scale (watching a YouTube video on how to change a bike tire, then doing it) to large scale (teaching a 5th grad math curriculum and then assessing it nationwide).  Psychometrics is the Science of […]


Setting and Interpreting Cutscores with IRT

Some time ago, I received this question regarding interpreting IRT cutscores (item response theory): In my examination system, we are currently labeling ‘FAIL’ for student’s mark with below 50% and ‘PASS’ for 50% and above.  I found that this amazing Xcalibre software can classify students’ achievement in 2 groups based on scores.  But, when I […]

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Why PARCC EBSR Items Provide Bad Data

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a consortium of US States working together to develop educational assessments aligned with the Common Core State Standards.  This is a daunting task, and PARCC is doing an admirable job, especially with their focus on utilizing technology.  However, one of the new item […]